MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AND ANSWER IN ASSAMESE AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE অসমীয়া আৰু ইংৰাজী সানমিহলি দৰকাৰী প্ৰশ্ন-উত্তৰ:-

অসমীয়া আৰু ইংৰাজী সানমিহলি দৰকাৰী প্ৰশ্ন-উত্তৰ:-

 1- জালিনৱালাৱাগৰ হত্যা কাণ্ড কেতিয়া হৈছিল ?
১৯২০ চনত
১৯১৯ চনত
১৯০৯ চনত
১৯৫০ চনত
Ans, ১৯১৯ চনত

2- NABARD কিমান চনত গঠন কৰা হৈছিল ?
Ans, 1982

3- বড়োলেণ্ড টেৰিটৰিয়েল এৰিয়া ডিষ্ট্ৰিক্টত ৰাজ্যপালে কিমানজন সদস্য জিলা পৰিষদলৈ মনোনীত কৰে ?
৩ জন
৪ জন
৫ জন
৬ জন
Ans, ৬জন।

4- ভাৰতত স্বদেশী আন্দোলন কিমান চনত হৈছিল ?
Ans, ১৯০৫ চনত

5- ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ প্ৰাচীনতম বংশটোৰ নাম কি ?
আহোম বংশ
আৰ্য বংশ
মৌৰ্য বংশ
বৌদ্ধ বংশ
Ans, মৌৰ্য বংশ

6- ১৯৪৭ চনত অসমৰ প্ৰথম ভাৰতীয় গৱৰ্ণৰ কোন আছিল ?
ছাৰ আকবৰ হায়দৰি
ৰোনাল্ড ফ্রেন্সিছ
জয়ৰাম দাস দৌলতৰাম
Ans, ছাৰ আকবৰ হায়দৰি

7- এটা সংখ্যাৰ চাৰিগুণৰ লগত 12 যোগ দিলে 88 পোৱা যায়, সংখ্যাটো কি ?
Ans, 19
8- জোনাকী কাকত কোন চনত প্ৰকাশ পাইছিল ?
Ans, ১৮৮৯

9- ৰাজুৱে এজনী ছোৱালীক দেখুৱাই ক’লে – ‘ তাই মোৰ আইতাৰ একমাত্ৰ পুত্ৰৰ জীয়েক ।’ ৰাজুৰ ছোৱালীজনীৰ লগত সম্পৰ্ক কি হ’ব ?
Ans, ভাই

10- যদি DOOR = 25 , TOWER = 18 , তেন্তে OVER = ?
Ans, 06

11- আইন অমান্য আন্দোলন কিমান চনত হৈছিল ?
Ans, ১৯৩০

12- কিমান চনত দিল্লীক ভাৰতৰ ৰাজধানী হিচাপে ঘোষণা কৰা হৈছিল ?
Ans, ১৯১১

13- ভাৰতৰ সংবিধান এখন সামাজিক দলিল বুলি কোনে কৈছিল?
মৰিস ডানম
ৰাজনীন কোঠাৰি
গ্ৰেণ্ডডাইল অষ্টিন
দুৰ্গাদাস বসু
Ans,গ্ৰেণ্ডডাইল অষ্টিন

14- I did not kill the dog.(change the voice ) . The dog ___
Not killed by me.
Killed not because of me.
Was not killed by me.
Is Killed by me.
Ans, Was not killed by me

15- আইচিচিৰ মুখ্য কাৰ্য্যালয় ক’ত অৱস্থিত ?

16- এখন বাছে 50 কি.মিঃ/ঘণ্টা দ্ৰুতিৰে গতি কৰিছে । 3 মিনিটত কিমান দূৰত্ব অতিক্ৰম কৰিব ?
5.2 কি.মিঃ
2 কি.মিঃ
2.5 কি.মিঃ
5 কি.মিঃ
Ans, 2.5 কি.মিঃ

17- Give the antonym of ADULATION

18- I want ___ historical atlas.
Ans, an

19- তলৰ কোনটো অসম পুলিচৰ এটা শাখা নহয় ?
ৰাজ্যিক অগ্নিনিৰ্বাপক সেৱা
চি আই ডি
বিশেষ শাখা
প্ৰদূষণ নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ বিভাগ
Ans, প্ৰদূষণ নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ বিভাগ

20- আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ ঋণাত্মক সংখ্যাটো হ’ল ?
– ১
– ৯

21- অসমৰ কোনখন জিলাত শিক্ষিতৰ হাৰ আটাইতকৈ বেছি?
কামৰূপ (মহানগৰ)

22- ভাৰতৰ কোনখন ৰাজ্যৰ শিক্ষিতৰ হাৰ আটাইতকৈ কম ?
অৰুনাচল প্ৰদেশ
Ans, বিহাৰ

23- উত্তৰ পূবৰ ভিতৰত আটাইতকৈ পৰিষ্কাৰ নগৰ কোন খন ?
Ans, তেজপুৰ

24- If PAINT is coded as 74128 and EXCEL is coded as 93596, then how would you encode ACCEPT ?
Ans, 455978

25- What is the full form of RAM ?
Random Access Memory
Retail Access Money
Random Available Memory
Ram Available Memory
Ans,Random Access Memory

26- অসমৰ মাটিকালি কিমান ?
78483 বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ
78348 বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ
78438 বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ
78834 বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ
Ans,78438 বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ

27- বিশ্ব পৰিৱেশ দিৱস (World Environment Day) কেতিয়া পালন কৰা হ’য় ?
৫ মে
৫ চেপ্তেম্বৰ
৫ জুন
৫ জুলাই
Ans,৫ জুন

28- মণিৰাম দেৱানক কেতিয়া ফাঁচী দিয়া হৈছিল ?
১৮৫৮ চনৰ ২৬ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীত
১৯৪২ চনৰ ২৬ জানুৱাৰীত
১৯২০ চনৰ ২৬ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীত
১৮৯৮ চনৰ ২৬ জানুৱাৰীত
Ans, ১৮৫৮ চনৰ ২৬ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীত

29- ‘চিৰচেনেহী মোৰ ভাষা জননী’ এই গীতটো কোনে ৰচনা কৰিছিল?
মিত্ৰদেৱ মহন্তই
লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱাই
ভবেন্দ্ৰনাথ শইকীয়াই
ৰঘুনাথ চৌধাৰীয়ে
Ans,মিত্ৰদেৱ মহন্তই

30- ২০২০ চনত সাহিত্য সভাৰ সভাপতি ৰূপে কোন নিৰ্বাচিত হৈছে ?
প্ৰহ্লাদ তাছা
কুলধৰ শইকীয়া
বসন্ত কুমাৰ শৰ্মা
ৰতি মোহন নাথ
Ans,কুলধৰ শইকীয়া

31- অসমৰ প্ৰথমখন চিকিৎসা মহাবিদ্যালয় ক’ত স্হাপন কৰা হৈছিল ?

32- নামঘোষাত কিমানটা ঘোষা আছে?

33- ভাৰতত ডাকসেৱা কেতিয়াৰ পৰা আৰম্ভ হয়?

34- When was the Indian Independence Act 1947 passed ?
18 July 1947
3 June 1947
15 August 1947
26 January 1947
Ans, 18 July 1947

35- How many spokes are there in the chakra in the middle of the tri- colour of the Indian Flag ?
Ans, 24

36- Who assisted Prime Minister Modi in unfurling the National Flag on 74th Independence day 2020 ?
Indian president
Major Shweta pandey
Indian Vice president
Rajnath singh
Ans, Major Shweta pandey

37- Who composed National song of India ?
Rabindranath Tagore
Bankim Chandra chatterji
Chandra Sekhar Azad
Abdul Gofur khan
Ans,Bankim Chandra chatterji

38- Who designed the present National Flag of India ?
Pingali Venkayy
Mahatma gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans,Pingali Venkayy

39- Under which article did the supreme court declare the right to hoist National Flag as the Fundamental Rights ?
Article 19
Article 20
Article 14
Article 17
Ans,Article 19

40- 30 টা কলৰ কিনা দাম 110.25 টকা । লাভৰ হাৰ 13% হ’লে প্ৰত্যেকটো কলৰ বেচা দাম কিমান ?
5.8 টকা
11 টকা
6.59 টকা
4.15 টকা
Ans,4.15 টকা

41. The Second Battle of Panipat was fought during the reign of
(A) Babur
(B) Humayun
(C) Akbar
(D) Jahangir
Ans : (C) Akbar

42. The main objective of Khilafat Movement was
(A) to drive the British away from India
(B) to start Non-Cooperation against the British
(C) to protest against Jalianwalla Bagh Massacre
(D) to restore the Caliph of Ottoman Caliphate to his former position
Ans : (D) to restore the Caliph of Ottoman Caliphate to his former position

43. Who led the Rajputs in the Battle of Haldighati?
(A) Rana Sanga
(B) Hemu
(C) Rana Pratap
(D) Raja Man Singh
Ans : (A) Rana Sanga

44. Which planet of our solar system is nearest to the Sun?
(A) Venus
(B) Mars
(C) Mercury
(D) Jupiter
Ans : (C) Mercury

45. The river Brahmaputra originates from the
A) Lake Manasarovar
(B) Parasuram Kund
(C) Angsi Glacier
(D) Tibetan Kiang Valley den
Ans : (D) Tibetan Kiang Valley

46. Which of the following is the world's deepest lake?
(A) Kaspian Sea
(B) Michigan Lake
(C) Tanganyika Lake
(D) Baikal Lake (Russia)
Ans : (D) Baikal Lake (Russia)

47. Which of the following is the highest peak of Karakoram Range?
(A) Mount Everest
(B) K-2 (Godwin Austen) 
(C) Makalu
(D) Gasherbrum
Ans : (A) Mount Everest

48. What is the name of the currency used in Argentina?
(A) Lira
(B) Peso
(C) Baht
(D) Riel
Ans : (B) Peso

49. Which of the following is the world's largest hot desert?
(A) Sahara 
(B) Thar 
(C) Kalahari 
(D) Arizona
Ans : (A) Sahara 

50. Which river is also known as 'Yellow River?
(A) Huang He
(B) Mekong
(C) Amazon
(D) Chenab
Ans : (A) Huang He

51. Where is the famous park, Hyde Park located? 
(A) Kolkata 
(B) Paris 
(C) Jerusalem 
(D) London
Ans : (D) London

52. Panama Canal links which of the following two water bodies?
(A) Black Sea and Atlantic Ocean
(B) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
(C) Baltic Sea and Arctic Ocean
(D) Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean
Ans : (B) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean

53. Who discovered the Law of Planetary Motion in 16092
(A) Galileo Galilei 
(B) Copernicus
(C) Kepler
(D) Magellan
Ans : (C) Kepler

54. The Prime Minister of India is appointed by
(A) the Indian Parliament
(B) the party enjoying majority support in the Parliament
(C) the members of the Parliament of the ruling party
(D) the President of India
Ans : (D) the President of India

55. The term of the Lok Sabha is
(A) 4 years 
(B) 4.5 years 
(C) 5 years 
(D) 6 years
Ans : (C) 5 years 

56. When did the United Nations officially came into existence?
(A) October 7th, 1944
(B) October 24th, 1945
(C) June 26th, 1945
(D) June 26th, 1944
Ans : (B) October 24th, 1945

57. Which Indian king was also known as Napoleon of India? 
(A) Harshavardhana 
(B) Kanishka 
(C) Vikramaditya
(D) Samudragupta
Ans : (D) Samudragupta

58. Who wrote the book, Devdas?
(A) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
(B) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
(C) Rabindranath Tagore
(D) Tarashankar Bandopadhyay
Ans : (A) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

59. Gandhiji took out the famous Dandi March in protest against
(A) the Rowlatt Act
(B) the Salt Law
(C) the Simon Commission to India
(D) the Cabinet Mission
Ans : (B) the Salt Law

60. The Swaythling Cup is associated with
(A) football 
(B) lawn tennis 
(C) table tennis 
(D) golf
Ans : (C) table tennis 

61. Who was the first Indian to swim across the English Channel?
(A) Miss Arati Saha
(B) Mihir Sen
(C) Arti Pradhan
D) Nawang Gombu
Ans : (B) Mihir Sen

62. Martyrs' Day in India is observed on
(A) 30th January 
(B) 10th December 
(C) 26th January 
(D) 15th August
Ans : (A) 30th January 

63. What is the Iranian Parliament known as?
(A) Shora
(B) Duma
(C) Dict
(D) Majlis
Ans : (D) Majlis

64. The small bats can fly in the dark with the guidance of
(1) magnetic waves generated by them
(B) infrared waves generated by them
(C) fashes of light generated by the
(D) ultrasonic sound waves generated by them
Ans : (D) ultrasonic sound waves generated by them

65. Why is the flash of lightning seen before the sound of thunder is heard?
(A) Because sound gets reflected
(B) Because light is produced earlier
(C) Because light travels faster than sound
(D) None of the above
Ans : (C) Because light travels faster than sound

66. Which of the following is responsible for clotting of blood?
(A) Lymphocyte
(B) Platelet
(C) Erythrocyte ante con
(D) Eosinophil
Ans : (B) Platelet

67. -40°C is equivalent to smo
(A) 32 F on
(B) -32 F
(C) -18 * Fotos
(D) -40°F
Ans : 

68. Hepatitis is a disease of the
(A) liver
(B) lungs
(C) cars
(D) eyes
Ans : (A) liver

69. Liver secretes TRT
(A) hydrochloric acid
(B) lipase
(c) amino acids
(D) bile
Ans : (D) bile

70. Endocrine glands
(A) do not have cells
(B) do not have ducts
(C) do not have blood vessels
(D) do not have proenzymes
Ans : 

71. Vitamin B, deficiency leads to
(A) Beriberi
(B) Scurvy
C) Pellagra
(D) Ricket
Ans : (A) Beriberi

72. The chemical symbol of 'copper' is
(A) Co
(B) CP
(C) Cu
(D) Cr
Ans : (C) Cu

73. Which of the following is not true about diethyl ether?
(A) It is a volatile liquid
(B) It is inflammable
(C) It is an anaesthetic agent
(D) It reacts with bases
Ans : (B) It is inflammable

74. Pituitary gland is a part of
(A) digestive system
(B) nervous system
(C) excretory system
(D) endocrinal system
Ans : (D) endocrinal system

75. Red blood cells are produced in the
(A) kidneys
(B) liver
(C) bone marrow
(D) heart
Ans : (C) bone marrow

76. Scurvy is caused by 
(A) calcium deficiency 
(B) vitamin D deficiency 
(C) vitamin C deficiency 
(D) low blood sugar level
Ans : (C) vitamin C deficiency 

77. Influenza is a disease caused by
(A) Protozoa
(B) bacteria
(C) virus
(D) fungus
Ans : (C) virus

78. Newton is a unit of
(A) power
(B) brightness of light
(C) atmospheric pressure
(D) force
Ans : (A) power

79. The chemical symbol of 'iron' is
(A) Me
(B) Ir
(C) Fe
(D) St
Ans : (C) Fe

80.. What is the chemical name of laughing gas? 
(A) Trichloromethane 
(B) Nitrous oxide 
(C) Diethyl ether
 (D) Carbon monoxide Tape
Ans : (B) Nitrous oxide 

81. What is a transformer?
(A) It is an electrical apparatus to convert electricity to magnetic energy
(B) It is an electrical apparatus to convert high voltage to low and vice versa
(C) It is an electrical apparatus to convert electricity to heat energy
(D) It is an electrical apparatus to convert electricity to X-ray radiation
Ans : (D) It is an electrical apparatus to convert electricity to X-ray radiation

82. Saliva converts
(A) proteins into peptones
(B) fat into lipase 
(C) starch into maltose sugar 
(D) protein into amino acids
Ans : (C) starch into maltose sugar 

83. Nerve cells are called
(A) neuron
(B) nephron
(C) schwann cell
D) mast cell
Ans : (A) neuron

84. The synonym of 'recalcitrant' is
(A) acid
(B) acrid
(C) obstinate
(D) Vessel
Ans : (C) obstinate

85. The antonym of intentional is
(A) accidental
(B) local
(C) travelling
(D) national
Ans : (A) accidental

86. Complete the following English proverb with the correct option:
"Beggars can't be
(A) rich
(B) happier
(C) teachers
(D) choosers
Ans : (D) choosers

87. What is the young one of 'eagle' called?
(A) Cygnet
(B) Eaglet
(C) Eagling
(D) Eagleling
Ans : (B) Eaglet

88. Complete the following sentence with the correct pronoun given below :
"I have a friend can help."
(A) that
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) which
Ans : (A) that

89. Complete the following sentence with the correct pronoun given below:
"You will have to pull together." 
(A) themselves
(B) himself

90. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?
Ans -: Stapes

91. The study of Trees is called?
Ans -: Dendrology

91. Who proposed the Theory of natural selection?
Ans -: Charles Darwin

92. Turpentine oil is obtained from .
Ans -: Resin from Pines

93. Upper most layer of skin is called?
Ans -: Epidermis

94. Which is the only element found in Chlorophyll?
Ans -: Magnesium

95. What are Bryophytes ?
Ans -: Amphibious Plants

96.. Which component of the Cell is called it’s ‘Kitchen’?
Ans -: Chloroplast

97. What is known as ‘Suicidal bags of cell’?
Ans -: Lysosomes

98.. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man?
Ans -: 120mm & 80mm

99. Dermatology is the study of?
Ans -: Human Skin

100. Which chemical is popularly used in Rat poison?
Ans -: White Phosphorus

101. What is the Dental formula of man?
Ans -: 2123/2123

102. What is the name of first cloned sheep?
Ans -: Dolly

103. is the normal cholesterol level in human blood.
Ans -: 180-200 mg/dL

104. A is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system.
Ans -: Neuron

105. 99% percentage of water is lost during transpiration, True or False?
Ans -: TRUE

106. Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa?
Ans -: Amylase

107. Zika virus is carried by Mosquito.
Ans -: Aedes

108. Tomato contains which acid?
Ans -: Oxalic Acid

109. Which animal respire without having blood in them?
Ans -: Hydra

110. Which cells acting as phagocytes are present in the liver?
Ans -: Kupffer cells

111. Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell?
Ans -: Mitochondria

112. A bite of a mad dog causes –
Ans -: Hydrophobia

113. Which disease is known as ‘silent killer’?
Ans -: High Blood pressure

114. Human saliva contains the enzyme known as .
Ans -: Ptyalin

115. Which gland disappears during old age?
Ans -: Thymus

116. The insect responsible for the spread of Kala-azar is –
Ans -: Sand Fly

117. is known as the strongest natural fibre.
Ans -: Silk

118. Which is known as graveyard of RBC’s ?
Ans -: Spleen

119. The gland known as master gland in human body is the .
Ans -: Pituitary gland

120. The process of cell division is known as –
Ans -: Mitosis

121. Which part of the Plant body acts as the carrier of food and other substances to all its parts?
Ans -: Phloem

122. Which is the sweetest sugar?
Ans -: Fructose

123. The hearing function is associated with which part of the Human Brain?
Ans -: Temporal Lobe

124. Which major chemical compound is found in human kidney stones?
Ans -: Calcium oxalate

125. Which metal is present in Insulin?
Ans -: Zinc

126. Thirst, hunger and sleep are controlled by which part of the brain?
Ans -: Hypothalamus

127. Alcohol affects which part of human brain?
Ans -: Cerebellum

128. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting?
Ans -: Medulla Oblongata

130. Which part of the Human Eye changes it size based on the amount of Light?
Ans -: Pupil

131. is the plant which yields biodiesel or biofuel.
Ans -: Jatropha Curcas

132. The part of the human eye which regulates the quantum of light entering is –
Ans -: Iris

133. Which salt is found in bone in largest amount?
Ans -: Calcium Phosphate

134. What is the name of the test done to diagnose cancer?
Ans -: Biopsy Test

135. The vitamin which is considered to be a hormone is –
Ans -: Vitamin D

136. Intake of which vitamin is recommended to improve blood coagulation?
Ans -: Vitamin K

137. Who explained about the blood circulation for the first time?
Ans -: William Harvey

138. Alexander Fleming invented .
Ans -: Penicillin

139. Who is credited for producing first man-made Gene in a lab?
Ans -: Dr. Hargobind Khurana

140. Xerophthalmia is a disease caused by lack of which vitamin?
Ans -: Vitamin A
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