list of father of all fields pdf I father of various fields quiz

Father of Various Fields for General Knowledge-Static GK

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of Classification →→ Carl linneaus

Father of Evolution →→ Charles Darwin

Father of modern Olympic →→ Pierre De Coubertin

Father of Numbers →→ Pythagoras 1

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of Genetics →→ Gregor Mendel

Father of Internet →→ Vint Cerf 1

Father of Botany →→ Theophrastus 1

Father of Electricity →→ Benjamin Franklin

Father of Electronics →→ Michael Faraday

Father of Television →→ Philo Farnsworth

Father of Periodic Table →→ Dmitri Mendeleev

Father of Geometry →→ Euclid

Father of Ayurveda →→ Dhanwantari

Father of Modern Medicine →→ Hippocrates

Father of Computer →→ Charles Babbage

Father of Astronomy →→ Copernicus

Father of Economics →→ Adam Smith

Father of Biology →→ Aristotle

Father of History →→ Herodotus

Father of Economics →→ Adam Smith

Father of Modern Computer →→ Alan Turing

Father of Relativity →→ Albert Einstein

Father of DNA Fingerprinting →→ Alec John Jeffreys

Father of Telephone →→ Alexander Graham Bell

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of Anatomy →→ Andreas Vesalius

Father of Modern Chemistry →→ Antoine Lavoisier

Father of Microbiology/Microscopy →→ Antonie Philips   Van Leeuwenhoek

Father of Comedy →→ Aristophanes

Father of Biology/ Zoology.  →→. Aristotle

Embryology/ Political Science  Father of Sociology →→ Auguste Comte

Father of Electricity →→ Benjamin Franklin

Father of Modern Biochemistry  →→ Carl Alexander  Neuberg

Father of Classification →→  Carl Linnaeus

Father of Computer  →→ Charles Babbage

Father of Evolution  →→  Charles Darwin

Father of Physiology  →→ Claude Bernard

Father of Modern Cinema  →→  David Wark Griffith

Father of Ayurveda  →→  Dhanwantari

Father of Periodic Table  →→ Dmitri Mendeleev

Father of Vaccination/ Father  →→ Edward  of immunology   Jenner

Father of Biodiversity →→ Edward O Wilson

Father of Hydrogen Bomb →→ Edward Teller

Father of Geography →→ Eratosthenes

Father of Nuclear Physics →→ Ernest Rutherford

Father of Geometry →→ Euclid

Father of Modern Finance →→ Eugene F. Fama

Father of Modern Ecology →→ Eugene P. Odum

Father of Humanism →→ Francesco Petrarca

Father of Eugenics →→ Francis Galton

Father of Scientific Management →→ Frederick Winslow Taylor

Father of Gene Therapy →→ French Anderson

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of Modern Physics →→ Galileo Galilei

Father of English Poetry →→ Geoffrey Chaucer

Father of Computer Science →→ George Boole and Alan Turing

Father of Aviation →→ George Cayley

Father of Railways →→ George Stephenson

Father of Genetics →→ Gregor Mendel

Father of Homeopathy →→ Heinemann

Father of History →→ Herodotus

Father of Western Medicine/Modern Medicine →→  Hippocrates

Father of Blue Revolution →→  Hiralal Chaudhari

Father of Mutation theory  →→ Hugo De Vries

Father of Architecture →→  Imhotep

Father of Classical mechanics  →→  Isaac Newton

Father of Atom Bomb  →→  J. Robert Oppenheimer

Father of Modern Geology  →→ James Hutton

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of the American Constitution  →→  James Madison

Father of Geography  →→ James Rennell

Father of Modern Education  →→  John Amos Comenius

Father of Modern Democracy  →→  John Locke

Father of Artificial Intelligence  →→ John Mccarthy

Father of Robotics →→  Joseph F. Engelberger

Father of Biotechnology  →→  Karl Ereky

Father of Blood Groups  →→  Karl Landsteiner

Father of Bacteriology  →→ Louis Pasteur

Father of Green Revolution  →→  M. S. Swaminathan 

Father of Modern Economics.  →→  Paul  SamuelsonM.G.Ranade

Father of Nuclear Science  →→  Marie Curie and Pierre  Curie

Father of Mobile Phone  →→  Martin Cooper

Father of Quantum mechanics  →→  Max Planck

Father of Electronics  →→  Michael Faraday

Father of Peasant Movement →→  N. G. Ranga  (Gogineni Ranga Nayukulu)

Father of Modern Political science  →→  Niccolo   Machiavelli

Father of Modern Astronomy  →→  Nicolaus Copernicus

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of the Green Revolution/  →→  Norman Ernest  Father of Agriculture  Borlaug

 Father of Nuclear Chemistry  →→  Otto Hahn

Father of Sanskrit →→  Grammar Panini

Father of Genetic →→  Engineering Paul Berg

Father of Agronomy  →→ Peter – De- Cresenji

Father of Modern Management  →→ Peter Georg  Ferdinand Drucker

Father of Television  →→ Philo Farnsworth

Father of Modern Olympic →→ Pierre De Coubertin

Father of Modern Dentistry →→  Pierre Fauchard

Father of Linguistic Democracy  →→  Potti Sreeramulu

Father of Numbers →→  Pythagoras

Father of Email  →→ Ray Tomlinson

Father of Philosophy →→ Rene Descartes

Father of Nanotechnology →→  Richard Smalley

Father of Cytology →→  Robert Hooke

Father of Thermodynamics  →→  Sadi Carnot

Father of New France →→  Samuel de Champlain

Father's of Various Fields - GK Notes for Competitive Exams

Father of Psychology  →→  Sigmund Freud

Father of Plastic Surgery →→ Sir Harold Gillies

Father of Air Force  →→  Subroto Mukerjee (IAF)

Father of Surgery  →→  Sushruta

Father of Botany  →→  Theophrastus

Father of Endocrinology →→  Thomas Addison

Father of White Revolution  →→ Verghese Kurien

Father of Space Program  →→ Vikram Sarabhai

Father of Pentium Chip Vinod Dham

Father of Internet  →→  Vint Cerf

Father of Psychology  →→  Wilhelm Wundt

Father of Blood Circulation  →→  William Harvey

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